Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Tips That You Need to Know About Carpet Cleaning

We all have herd of different home remedies for cleaning up spots. As someone in the industry and a developer of cleaning solutions I have had customers tell me all sorts of things they have used for spot cleaning. I have herd everything from Dish Soap, to Baking Soda, to WD40 as a home remedy for that spot on the sofa, rug or carpet. Truthfully, I have seen more bleach spots and discoloration on fibers from home remedies than actual solutions. The truth is you should find a spot cleaning solution that an actual carpet cleaning company uses. At ēkoserve we developed solutions for Carpet Cleaning Plano that can remove spots on many types of fibers. From carpet to, upholstery to rugs our Natural Spot Remover solution breaks down dirt particles and dries clear after cleaning a spot up. After we created our Spot Remover we were able to eliminate nearly all of the spot treatment solutions we used on a daily basis for residential and commercial carpet cleaning. I recommend using spot cleaning solutions used by the experts in carpet cleaning Plano, Texas. Check out http://www.ekoserve.com/products/ we have a full line of solutions and tips on how to clean fibers.

Another tip about carpet cleaning in Plano, Texas is that you should find a company that uses solutions without toxic chemicals. Most carpet cleaning companies use traditional solutions that are not safe for kids or pets. I recommend using a company like ēkoserve for your carpet, rug, upholstery, tile & grout, and window cleaning needs. They use green certified products that are powerful enough to get out the stains but gentle enough not to harm you kids or pets.  What many people don’t realize is if you’re Carpet Cleaning inPlano, TX uses chemicals in their solution there is a good chance that those solutions will still be in your carpet after they leave. Once toxic solutions are in your carpet your kids and pets could come in contact with them if they are laying or playing on the floor.
My last tip about carpet cleaning is for you to select a company that offers a comprehensive cleaning system. With ēkoserve you get a powerful 4 step cleaning method that includes Treatment, Agitation, Extraction and Purification. Traditional methods may have a couple of these processes but not the entire ēkoserve carpet cleaning process. This four step system treats that bad areas of carpet that need special attention, agitates the carpet fibers removing dirt, hair and debris, the extraction step removes all unwanted dirt and particles from the carpet and finally the purification cleanses the carpet fibers from dust mites, allergens, dander and mold spores. Contact ēkoserve for more tips about carpet cleaning in Plano, Texas. For more details visit: http://www.ekoserve.com/carpet-cleaning-plano-texas